The whole hearted co-operation of the parents with the school authorities alone will enable their children to make the best use of the facilities provided by the school. Hence parental co-operation is expected:
to foster in their children love and loyalty to the school and its teachers without which the children will not profit by the teachers's efforts.
to see to the regularity and discipline demanded by the school.
to see that their children do not loiter about the school premises or the streets after the school hours.
to supervise the home study in the evening when the children should revise all lessons and do all the alloted homework.
to see that the children go through the lessons taught, before they go to school in the morning.
to sign and return immediately the progress cards sent to them after the terminal examination; they should also sign the occasional reports made in the school calendar.
to arrange private tuition only in consultation with the Headmaster / Principal.
Anybody wishing to interview teachers or students during the school hours or on the school premises should arrange the interview through the Headmaster / Principal. They may not go straight to the teacher's room or class rooms.
Any letters officially addressed to the Principal should enclose self addressed and stamped cards or envelopes to ensure reply. When writing to the Headmaster / Principal, the name, standard and section of the pupil should be clearly indicated.
Parents and guardians are requested to see that their servants who come to take their children to or from the school or bring their children's lunch do not remain on the school premises any longer than is necessary. Such servants should come only at the appointed time. If they arrive early, they will have to wait outside the school gate.
The parents or guardians are encouraged to call on the Headmaster / Principal or class teacher or other teachers from time to time to discuss the progress of their children.